Free Resources! April 23, 2021October 19, 2021 by Wild Exposure Inc. We have started adding a selection of FREE RESOURCES that you are welcome to download for free! ** Many more to come! ** OUTDOOR ED ACTIVITIES BOOKLET A simple collection of fun games and conundrums Outdoor Ed activitiesDownload HAND OUT De-Brief Exercise Hand-outDownload The Outdoor Ed Cookbook The-Outdoor-Education-Cookbook-v.01Download Trangia Stove Briefing Trangia-Stove-BriefingDownload CANOE GAMES! Canoe-GamesDownload These resources and hundreds more are found in the ‘Outdoor Ed APPbag of Tricks’ smart phone APP! For only $9.00, so many collective pearls of wisdom can be in your fingertips! Watch the video below or download it here!