Outdoor Ed Bag Of Tricks

A comprehensive compilation of

outdoor activities, initiatives, icebreakers and readings

to help inspire your outdoor education program and activities!

What is the APP and EBook all about?

For years, many of us Outdoor Educators and Outdoor Guides have shared our ideas and creativity on different ways to better educate and inspire today’s society and youth.

Our desire was to pool these great resources into one simple resource, tailored to all staff working in the great outdoors. A simple yet purposeful resource at your fingertips. With the explosion of APP’s and EBooks with their practicality, efficiency and mobility – we knew we had to seize upon the functionability of modern smartphones.

Well, after a couple years of toiling, collecting and creating, the ‘Outdoor Ed APPbag of Tricks’ and Outdoor Ed Ebag of Tricks’ are born!

Watch this video preview for a preview!


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